
Happily Ever Dining

Entertainment news is having a field day reporting on the Kim Kardashian/Chris Humphries divorce and the sad song 72 day marriage. However, I want to draw attention to one positive outcome of the most talked about 2011 Celebrity “Fairy Tale" Wedding.

There is no denying the black and white affair set a new bar for elegant dining. With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, I think this is perfect timing to look at the details a little closer.


Here are a few other black & white dining rooms to increase your appetite!

DIY Project
Dressing the table with decorative plates allows you to interchange for the various occassions while serving as dinner conversation pieces. Here is quick way to have fun using any image to glam an entire table setting. Try mixing prints and patterns to add interest.

I believe in happy endings!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say there is something seductive about black, even in a dining room. The graphic combination looks totally posh even if items are inexpensive!
