We want to provide an inviting environment so buyers will want to come into our booth/space. However, this must be done on a tight budget. After all, the goal is to maximize profit and minimize spending. We agreed the two main areas that make the most visual impact are the walls and the floor.
The Walls:
Other booths used burlap to cover their walls, and that just doesn’t fit with our style. However, purchasing yards of fabrics with prints/patterns is costly. So, I proposed using King or Queen size flat bed sheets since it comes in large sizes providing more coverage and prevents us from matching the pattern repeat several times.
Of course this same concept can be used in homes, especially apartment or rental spaces where wallpapering is out of the question or out of the budget.
If you're not interested in covering an entire wall, framing options also make a large statement.
Click here for step by step instructions on HGTV's website for the various application methods to install fabric wall covering.
Because we used two different prints on the top and bottom of the side walls, we needed a border to hide the seam….decorative tape to the rescue! This particular print is from Michael's, but there are several great options to choose from.
If a border isn't enough to tickle your fancy, try creating an entire wall installation using duct tape.
Love the random falling pieces of tape... it says effortless while still making a graphic statement.
The Floor:
We couldn’t stop the taping there….we took it to the floor using yellow duct tape to create a random/effortless chevron pattern. The much needed pop of color ccamouflaged the gray painted floors that screamed penitentiary and whispered Help!
The thought of having to remove duct tape and its sticky residue from my home floors is not appealing. However, applying duct tape to a rug is also an option to give the same eclectic affect.
Because duct tape comes in just about every color under the sun, the possibilities are endless.Here are a few other amazing ideas using duct tape for the floors in interior spaces.
I am very intrigued by this idea of reviving an existing rug. I am thinking of turning this into a DIY project for my breakfast nook that is in much need of a rug underneath the table....stay tuned for results.